Thursday, 25 December 2014

Important Html Tags

1. pre tag:
Text in a pre element is displayed in a fixed-width font, and it preserves both  spaces and line breaks.
var persion = {


output :
var persion = {


2. xmp tag:
  user want to display  html code in web page need to use xmp tag
<p>simple paragraph</p>
<div>simple div </div>

<p>simple paragraph</p>
<div>simple div </div>

3.input tags :

<input type="text"/>
<input type="password"/>
<input type="email"/>
<input type="number"/>
<input type="date"/>
<input type="radio"/>
<input type="checkbox"/>
<input type="color"/>
<input type="month"/>
<input type="time"/>
<input type="datetime-local"/>
<input type="range"/>
<input type="tel"/>
<input type="search"/>
<input type="url"/>
<input type="week"/>
<input type="file"/>

4. auto complete

    <option value="attribute">
   <option value="bold">
  <option value="cource">
  <option value="data">
  <option value="element">

Open link in new window

Anchor :
we can open anchor tag in new window.
<a href="" onclick=",'mywin','left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;">Share this</a>